Darlene Takahashi, InTouch Health
This class was amazing for my professional development. It was great to bring all the facets of stroke care together and to connect with others that share the same passion.

Jared Ellis,
American Heart Association
In the complex the Stroke Coordinator Position, you're the gatekeepers to the whole stroke care team. This class teaches the standards of stroke care and will help your program raise the bar for all patients.

Melissa Turner,
Stroke Coordinator,
Oceola Regional Medical Center
Everything was very in-depth and informative. I loved meeting people from other hospitals & getting ideas.

I help support 165+ stroke coordinators in the field and we’ve found that you don’t get a lot of specific training at the facility level because nobody really knows the intricacies of the stroke coordinator role. They don’t always understand the role until they’re immersed into it, so this class is very beneficial. I will be referring new stroke coordinators across the country to this boot camp.
Kristen Ankrom,
Neuroscience Clinical Manager at HCA Healthcare
I wish I would have taken this the day I started in my job! I felt so overwhelmed at first, but this class gave me so much information and practical tools to take back to my job. I’m so thankful for the jump drive of resources they gave me. I also want to add some of the content into our current stroke education for nurses and other caregivers in the hospital.
Erika Rohan,
Stroke Coordinator at TriStar Skyline Medical Center

“The information is unbelievable. I gained a mass amount of knowledge and strong resources to collaborate. My success will be because of you, and I truly appreciate your investment of time in me.”
— Stroke and Trauma Program Registrar
Lebanon, TN

“I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity of being part of the Stroke Coordinator Boot Camp. It was an enlightening and amazing experience. Your commitment to stroke care is inspiring! I came back recharged and with new ideas and goals for my program, and I cannot wait to share with my team”
—Stroke Coordinator
Largo, FL
I loved networking and hearing from other programs who are successful
I found the discussions to be robust and insightful. I enjoyed the talks with the Neuroradiologist. Overall, great education!
Hearing from a hospital CEO really helped me learn to better present the value of a stroke program and identifying opportunities to take the stroke program to the next level.